Inter-class Cricket Tournament (Men)

The Department of Physical Education and Sports organized the Inter-Class Cricket Tournament (Men) for the students of VVM’s Shree Damodar College of Commerce & Economics from 20th to 22nd January 2025 between 11.30 a.m. to 4.00 p.m at the Vidya Vikas Mandal College Ground, ground behind VVA. The tournament was played on Knock-out series. The fixtures were drawn through a lot system, ensuring fair matchups. A total of 18 (Men) teams participated in the tournament.

Result of the tournament

Position Men’s Category
Winners SY BCA
Runners-up FY B.Com Div D
IInd Runners-up SY B.Com (Div’s A and C)

Dr. Ajinkya Kudtarkar, College Director of Physical Education & Sports (CDPE&S), congratulated the winners and all participants for their enthusiastic involvement. Mr. Saurabh Raikar, Instructor in Physical Education, delivered a motivational speech, encouraging students to actively participate in sports. Medals were awarded to the winners, recognizing their skill, teamwork, and sportsmanship. The tournament concluded with a Vote of Thanks proposed by Mr. Ved Prabhudesai, Sports General Secretary of the college. The event successfully promoted sportsmanship, teamwork, and a competitive spirit among students, contributing to their overall physical and mental well-being.
