Industry Interaction Session

An Industry Interaction Session was conducted for FY BCA students for the courses ‘Computer Organization and Architecture’ and ‘IT Tools Laboratory’ on October 5th, between 11:15 am-1:15 pm. The Resource Person for the event was Mr.Anthony Lobo, a specialist in Laptop and Chip Level Repairs. The topic of the session was ‘Laptop Assembling and Commonly used PC Troubleshooting Hacks’.

Mr. Lobo is an Entrepreneur and owner of Laptop Doctor, a shop dealing in PC/Laptop Hardware and Software Repairs. Mr. Lobo spoke on the evolutionary history of computers. He opened up a laptop and demonstrated the internal components to the students. He enlightened them on the areas susceptible to damage and the care that needs to be taken towards the longevity of the machine. Mr. Lobo told students that his experience has taught him that older systems had better build quality and hence advised the students not to discard older machines. Instead he advised them to upgrade the machines with more RAM and memory so as to increase the performance. Towards the end he engaged the students in an interactive session wherein students got an opportunity to clear their queries.
