Industry Interaction Session

An Industry Interaction Session was conducted for TY BCA students for the course ‘IT Project Management’, on October 4th, between 10:15 am-12:15 p.m. The Resource Person for the session was Mr. Vijesh Vishwakarma, Senior Software Developer at Expedia Group. The topic of the session was ‘Project Management Tools and Practices in the IT Industry’

Mr. Vijesh has vast experience in the Software Industry and has worked in multinationals such as Sabre Holdings and Walmart Labs. He discussed his tenure in the various companies he has worked for and the technologies he has learnt over the period. He encouraged the students to build concepts strongly during their span at the College and to keep an open mind towards adapting to new technologies as and when required. He motivated them to become self-learners. Towards the end, he engaged the students in an interactive session wherein students got an opportunity to get answers to their queries regarding practices followed and tools used in different IT Companies.
