Industry Interaction Programme By M.Com Dept.

IIP Aldina Vaz MishraThe second session of Industry Interaction Programme for the academic year 2017-18 was held on the 27th of July 2017 at 10 am in the M. Com. Department.

The Resource Person for the Programme was Mrs. Aldina Vaz Mishra.

Mrs. Aldina Vaz Mishra has completed her M.Com and  M.B.A (Finance). She is presently employed in DSV Air and Sea LLC Dubai as Finance and HR Manager. She has 14 years of experience in the field of Freight Forwarding, Finance and Human Resource Management. She is a certified Human Resource Professional Manager from American Certification Institute, USA.

The Programme began with Ms. Sahili Lotlikar from M Com. Part II introducing the resource person and Ms. Neetu Pandey from M. Com. Part II welcoming her with a bouquet of flowers.

Mrs. Aldina started the session by explaining the difficulties she faced when she began her journey in Dubai as a fresh post graduate of Goa University with a few months of work experience. She also found that her M.Com degree and work experience gave her an edge when it came to getting the right job.

Mrs. Aldina then narrated the intricacies of her current job as a Manager of a Finance and Human Resources Department in a freight forwarding company. She highlighted the experiences she had when the company was taken over by a Dutch freight forwarding company and explained to us the process of liquidation. Mrs. Aldina also explained the process of recruitment in her company.

Students asked various questions about the challenges faced while hiring expats, management of cultural differences among expats, process of performance appraisal, retention of employees, training of employees and the role of managers in performance appraisal.

Mrs. Aldina explained to the students that while hiring expats there are always complications with regards to the work visa. The culture of each expat is respected at the workplace by celebrating the festivals of each culture. With regards to the performance appraisal, she said that self appraisal method is used, followed by the appraisal by line managers of the concerned employee. Every month the company organizes a town hall where the activities of each department are made known to all the employees. Any exceptional work done by any employee is highlighted and acknowledged at this meeting. This is how they retain employees and boost employee morale. The company prefers on-the-job training and they have an on-boarding process to introduce new employees to the job environment.

This fruitful and interactive session ended with a vote of thanks by Mr. Ashish Thomas, student of M.Com Part I.
