Industry Interaction

The M.Com Department of VVM’s Shree Damodar College organized an Industry Interaction Programme on July 15th for all M.Com students in the M.Com Classroom from 11:30a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The Resource Person for the Industry Interaction Programme was Ms. Jessica Rokhade who holds the position of a Relationship Manager in the department of Small Business Banking at Toronto Dominion Bank, Canada.

The Objectives  of the session were to provide students with an insight into international work cultures, Qualifications and Requirements etc. and to help students understand how to write a Resume and how to face Interviews successfully

The Programme commenced at 11:30 a.m. in the classroom with a Welcome Address. Thereafter after the introduction of the Resource Person Ms. Jessica Rokhade took over the session. Ms. Jessica introduced herself to the students and briefed them about the work culture in Canada. She briefed students about the huge requirements for highly skilled experienced professionals in Canada. She shared her experiences with students, thereby making them aware of the qualifications, need of personnel, and the sectors with high demand for professionals, etc. Thereafter Ms. Jessica explained to students the need for preparing a Resume and the do’s and don’ts in a resume. She stressed on the need for writing a Resume as per International Requirements. Also Ms. Jessica explained to students as to how social media such as Facebook, WhatsApp etc. assist in hiring and firing a candidate. She also gave students tips as to write an effective Resume. As the session progressed, Ms. Jessica explained to students that interviews are not just a question and answer round but rather more of a discussion. She stressed on the need to dress appropriately for an interview and most importantly have sound subject knowledge. Ms. Jessica also gave students valuable suggestions as to how to crack an international interview. During the last fifteen minutes Ms. Jessica answered various queries from students.

The students found the Industry Interaction Programme very beneficial as students got an insight into the International working environments, how to write a Resume and ways of cracking an Interview.

The Programme concluded at 12:30 p.m. with a Vote of Thanks.
