Industry Interact Program – Session 1

The PG Department of Commerce in collaboration with Goa Management Association organised the first Industry Interact Program on 17th October 2020 from 03.00 to 4:30 pm via Google Meet platform. The topic of the session was ‘Business Dynamics’. The main objective of this program was to make students aware of changing industry expectations and help bridge the gap between academia and industry.

The Resource Persons for the Program were Mr. Amin Ladak, Chairman of Goa Management Association and Mr. Nilesh Dessai Hon. Secretary of Goa Management Association and Chief Manufacturing Officer at Zuari Agro Chemicals Ltd. The compere for the evening was Ms. Elaine Maria Sequeria, student of M.Com Part II. The program commenced with a welcome address delivered by Professor and Principal Dr. Prita D. Mallya. In her speech she stressed on the need to promote closer interaction between academics and the world of work so as to prepare students for life after College. Ms. Seema Dharani, Asst. Professor in Commerce, gave a brief overview of the program and its relevance to students. Ms. Sanjana Kamat, student of M.Com Part I introduced the first speaker – Mr. Amin Ladak and Ms. Mruga Naik – M.Com part II, introduced the second speaker – Mr. Nilesh Dessai.

Mr. Ladak began the session with a brief introduction of GMA and its role in stimulating thoughts and efforts towards the promotion and development of management through various activities. He emphasized how one can enhance the quality of knowledge with the power of Internet, acquire and develop new skills.  The second speaker Mr. Dessai, began his session by giving a brief insight into business dynamics and the need to put theoretical knowledge into practice. He elaborated upon the various skills needed to be employable or to start with one’s own business. Mr. Dessai reiterated that basic and fundamental domain knowledge should be very strong in order to be employable. He also stressed on the importance of employee behavioural skills, adaptability towards organizational culture and a sense of ownership of the company.

After their sessions, the speakers addressed the queries raised by the students  A total of 60 participants attended the program, which ended at 4:30 pm, with the Vote of Thanks proposed by the Vice-Principal and Programme Coordinator Dr. Rodney D’Silva.
