The visit commenced with a comprehensive tour of the Stores Department and the Quality Control Department. Mr. Paresh Naik, HoD of the Stores Department accompanied the students for the tour while explaining about the entire procedure of materials management and stores management. He explained that Micro Labs has the highest number of pallets in Goa i.e. 5848 pallets and displayed the automatic storage of materials using machines. Mr. Rajat Naik, Senior Officer of the Stores Department displayed the rapping and shipping of the containers while explaining that the production of all the tablets and capsules is for export only. The per annum production is 3350 million tablets and 960 million capsules on an average. The students then were addressed by Mr. Sadguru Naik, Manager – Human Resource, who engaged the students in an informative session providing an overview of the company’s history, mission, and core business activities which is handled by 1700 employees of the organisation.
Students had the opportunity to observe and learn about the practical implementation of the concepts they had studied in their academic courses. The industrial visit provided students with a holistic view of industrial processes, enabling them to appreciate the complexities involved in the day-to-day operations of a manufacturing unit. 30 students accompanied by Asst. Professor Sheryl Sanches were a part of the visit.