Industrial Visit

An Industrial visit was organized for the students of TY B.Com A & B Division (Accounting Specialization) on 6th January 2024 to IFB Industries Ltd., Verna. The objective of the visit was to provide students with practical exposure to industrial processes and operations. This initiative aimed to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge gained in the classroom and real-world application in the industry.

The visit commenced with an informative session by the Manager of the HR Department providing an overview of the company’s history, mission, and core business activities. This set the stage for a better understanding of the industrial processes witnessed during the visit. Students were taken on a comprehensive tour of the entire manufacturing plant by personnel from the HR & Operations Department. The visit covered various sections, including production units, quality control labs, and research and development facilities. Students had the opportunity to observe and learn about the practical implementation of the concepts they had studied in their academic courses.  The industrial visit provided students with a holistic view of industrial processes, enabling them to appreciate the complexities involved in the day-to-day operations of a manufacturing unit. It also helped in broadening their perspectives on potential career paths within the industry.

50 students accompanied by Asst. Professor Ainsley Bernard were a part of the visit.
