‘Inauguration of Students’, Cultural and Sports Council’

The College organized its Council Inauguration Function on 21st October 2022. The whole program was organized by the members of Students, Cultural and Sports Council. The aim of the programme was to inaugurate and introduce newly elected members of the Students, Cultural & Sports Councils for the Academic year 2022-23. The Chief Guest was Prof. Sanjay P. Sawant Dessai, Principal of CES College, Cuncolim.

The program commenced with a prayer song followed by the lamp lighting ceremony by the Chief Guest Prof. Sanjay Sawant Dessai, Principal Prof. Prita D Mallya, Vice Principal Dr. Edwin Barreto, Students’ Council Convenor Dr. Maithili Naik, Cultural Council ConvenorMs. Preksha Chopdekar, Sports Council Convenor Ajinkya Kudtarkar, and General Secretaries of Student Bodies Mr. Atharva S. Naik, Mr. Pratham Nagvenkar, & Ms. Lisanna Fernandes. Principal Prof. Prita D Mallya delivered the welcome address and encouraged the council members with best wishes.

The convenors of student bodies introduced the newly elected members of the councils and teachers in-charge for the Academic year 2022-2023. The General Secretary Mr. Pratham Nagvenkar administered the oath to all the members of the councils. The General Secretary Sports Council, Ms. Lisanna Fernandes introduced the Chief Guest to the audience.

The Chief guest in his speech stressed on the need for focused attention and perseverance to listening, analysing, and speaking. He urged the students to accept the challenges of life and education, and to move forward towards success. He stressed the importance of inculcatingthe reading habit and urged students to be disciplined and be role models to the student community.

The chief guest honored the student leaders with a badge. Lastly, the Vote of Thanks was proposed by General Secretary, Students’ Council Mr. Atharva S. Naik. The ceremony concluded with the National Anthem. A total of 90 Council members attended the function.
