Inauguration of Centre of Excellence in Sales – An Awareness Session on Career Path in Sales

The College inaugurated its unique Centre of Excellence in Sales on 3rd November 2022. As a part of its inaugural ceremony, ex-student of the College, Mr. Suhas Mallya, Executive Director of Emco Goa Pvt. Ltd. was invited as the Chief Guest and the Resource Person. The programme began at 12.15 p.m. with the dignitaries lighting the lamp. Dr. Maithili Naik, Coordinator of the event escorted the dignitaries to the dais. Prof. Prita D. Mallya welcomed the participants for the programme. Dr. Shami Pai, Coordinator of Centre of Excellence in Sales and Head, Department of Commerce & Management introduced the Chief Guest and the Resource Person.

Mr. Suhas Mallya inaugurated the Centre of Excellence in Sales and proceeded with the sessionon Career Path in Sales. This session was organised in association with the Career Cell of the College, and was aimed at debunking the myths around sales and sales as a career option.

Mr. Mallya apprised the students about the various levels associated with sales in every organisation. He cleared the myths and common negative opinions associated with sales as a career option. He also illustrated the sales practices associated with social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook and popular streaming sites such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc. The students interacted with Mr. Mallya and also discussed various aspects of sales as a career option. He addressed the students’ queries, cleared their doubts and helped them understand that sales is much more than just providing door-to-door service and achieving sales targets.

The session was an eye-opener for the students, as he discussed the psychological aspect associated with the customers. The students gave positive feedback about the session. Dr. Maithili Naik proposed the Vote of Thanks.

Ms. Brionna Noronha, student of SY B.Com-C was the compere for the session, which was attended by 37 students.
