Inaugural of the Golden Jubilee Year Celebrations

Vidya Vikas Mandal’s Shree Damodar College of Commerce & Economics has entered its Golden Jubilee Year (2022-23). To mark the beginning of the celebration the College held an Inaugural Function on 10th September 2022 at 11:00 am in Hall no. 2, Central Block.Professor Harilal B. Menon, Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, Goa University was the Chief Guest. The Office Bearers of Vidya Vikas Mandal – President, Shri Nitin Kunkolienker; First Vice President, Adv Pritam Morais; Second Vice President Shri Vinayak Angle; Hon. Secretary Shri Madhukar Mallya;Hon. Treasurer, CA. U. N. Bene along with the Members – CA. Ganesh M. Daivajna, Shri Blaise Costabir, Shri Deepak Chodankar and Shri Vikram Verlekar were present for the occasion. President Emeritus Shri Ramnath G. Kare was also present on the occasion. The function was also attended by parents, former teachers and the College alumni. The dignitaries on the dais were Principal Prof. Prita D. Mallya; Chief Guest for the function, Professor Harilal B. Menon; President of VVM Shri Nitin Kunkolienker; Hon. Secretary, Shri Madhukar Mallya and Event Coordinator Dr. Lina Sadekar.

The function began with an Invocation song by the faculty members followed by the ceremonial lighting of the lamp by the dignitaries present.  To express our eternal indebtedness to Lord Damodar, under whose benevolence the College building is standing tall, the dignitaries garlanded the portrait of the deity. A significant highlight of the event was the release of a video prepared by a team of BCA students which hark back to the memories of the College from its inception till today; the video also listed the proposed activities planned for the Golden Jubilee year.  The President Shri Nitin Kunkolienker and the Principal Prof. Prita D. Mallya then escorted the Chief Guest and other dignitaries to the dais. As a welcoming gesture the Chief Guest, Professor Harilal B. Menon was presented with a potted plant.

While addressing the gathering, President Shri Nitin Kunkolienker thanked the Chief Guest for accepting the invitation for the function. He welcomed the Principal, Management members Dignitaries and other invitees for the function. He expressed his extreme pride and honour in celebrating 50 glorious years of excellence in education not only as a President but also as the alumnus of the College. Reiterating on the objectives of the Board of Management he said that the ultimate aim is to make Shree Damodar College excel in every aspect of education. He also mentioned about how the Board has brought together like-minded people who are committed to drive the change in the future education. He declared that the centenary will see VVM as a robust institution. Discoursing on the changing educational area he said that the Colleges always strive to be aligned with the change. As he was part of a number of renowned technological companies, he has witnessed a huge transformation in the demands of the market. He said that there is a great need for integration and conversion in the teaching of commerce. There shouldn’t be any limitation to the definition of a commerce student, he should be digitally and technologically advanced to be in tune with the changing geopolitical scenarios around the world. Beseeching the teachers, he said that they should be looking at this as a mission to create ‘Commerce scientist’ in the institution. Lastly, he assured his wholehearted commitment towards the betterment of the institution.

Dr. Lina Sadekar, Coordinator of Golden Jubilee celebration presented to the audience series of activities to be conducted for the year which include Seminars, Conferences, workshops, Community Service, Outreach Activity, Alumni Reconnect series, Documentary/Video, Photo Exhibition, Special Lectures by prominent Personalities and release of e-book. The special College logo designed for jubilee year was also displayed to the audience. Principal, Prof. Prita D. Mallya introduced the esteemed Chief Guest for the function.

Chief Guest, Professor Harilal B. Menon in his address lauded the College for reaching this milestone. He also congratulated the faculty members for working hard and getting laurels to the College. Being an avid reader of the Bhagawad Geeta he expressed that this day reminds him of an episode named Samudra Manthana which narrates how an elixir was extracted from churning the ocean by the gods and the demons. While drawing parallels from this story he said that the Principal and the faculty of the College does the arduous churning and the elixir is its illustrious and flourishing alumni. While giving a few valuable suggestion, Prof. Menon said that academic activity has three dimensions: teaching-learning, research and community engagement. Since the new NEP demands a changeover, education should become more learner- centric to develop creativity and talent in the students.  It should focus on developing space learning, emotional learning and developing creativity in the students. Speaking about the attitude of Goan students, he opined that there is an urgent need of developing emotional intelligence within them. The lack of which leads to negative attitudes. Quoting his observation, he said that no Goan students clear UPSC exams, the reason being that the parents give their children a secured environment and “clip their wings, not letting them go out and explore” they do not let them experience the hard times life throws at them. Addressing the teachers, he appealed to them not to rest on the laurels of the past but to work towards the development of the students, institution and the community at large. He also suggested to conduct research on the topic ‘ease of conducting business in Goa’ proposals based on which could be submitted to the government which will help uplift the common men of the state. Lastly, he advised the students to drop their egos and be humble and grounded irrespective of positions.

Towards the end of the program, the Chief Guest was presented with a token of love and gratitude. President, Shri Nitin Kunkolienker announced that the Management will be organizing a function on 21st September which is observed as World Gratitude Day to honour the staff members who have been a part of this 50-year journey.  Hon. Secretary Shri Madhukar Mallya proposed the Vote of Thanks. The function ended with the National Anthem.  Dr Maithili Naik and Ms. Sheryl Sanches compered the session.
