Inaugural of E-Waste Collection Drive

Lions International in association with Vasundhara (Green Club) of the College and Union Environment Ministry organized the Inaugural of E-waste collection drive on 14th January 2023 in Hall 2 of the Central Block of the College. 101 students across the B.Com and BBA programmes were a part of the Inaugural function. The objective of this function was to inaugurate the World’s Biggest E-Waste Collection Drive from 13th January to 13th February 2023 by Lions International thus embarking on a month-long awareness and collection campaign.

The session commenced with Lion Jaiamol Naik, the E-Waste coordinator for Vasco region addressing the gathering and elaborating about the e-waste collection drive. The dignitaries on the dais including Chief Guest Shri. Nilesh Cabral, Honorable Minister of Public Works Department, Law and Judiciary, Environment and Legislative Affairs then proceeded to inaugurate the function by watering a sapling symbolizing hope, peace and growth. Lion Adrian Torres, the e-waste District Coordinator highlighted the harmful effects of e-waste through a video presentation and encouraged everyone to whole heartedly participate in the e-waste drive.

The Principal of the College Prof. Prita D. Mallya, then emphasized on finding solutions to problems and specifically solving the problem of e-waste through adequate disposal solutions. She also spoke about the benefit of launching drives like these at educational campuses as the entire community tends to benefit due to the large number of students that are a part of the institution. The Guest of Honor PMJF Lion Erle Brito, the First Vice District Governor of Lions International also addressed the audience and focused on how the youth can spread the message to create awareness and make sure e-waste goes through the right process of disposal.

The Chief Guest Shri. Nilesh Cabral spoke about how it is the responsibility of each citizen and each student to make Goa a garbage free state. Each individual can influence houses around and encourage the disposal of e-waste responsibly. He also requested the students to be a part of the drive and visit at least 10 households around to create awareness on the disposal of e-waste at their individual level.

The Vote of Thanks was proposed by Lion Abhishek Kulkarni. The faculty in-charge of the event were Asst. Prof. Ms. Stesa Pereira and Asst. Prof. Mrs. Aradhana Bandekar
