The Internal Quality Assurance Cell organised “A workshop on ICT for Administrative staff of VVM Institutions” from 7th October to 4th November 2022 on every Tuesday and Friday. The workshop was attended by Non-teaching staff of Shree Damodar College, RMS Higher Secondary School and Vidya Vikas Academy. A total of 28 staff members attended the workshop. The Resource Persons for the workshop were Mr. Punarva Prabhu Dessai, System Administrator, SDCCE, Ms. Pradnya Nadkarni, Lab. Instructor (IT), SDCCE and Ms. Usha Gauncar, LDC, RMS HSS
In the first session conducted on 7th October 2022, Mr. Punarva Prabhu Dessai explained about the dos and don’ts for taking physical care of the system. This included knowledge about charging, cleaning, hinges, shutting down, updates etc. He also informed how a system slows down and what we can do to prevent it. He further explained about better organization of folders, saving, passwords etc. He shared tips to name folders and files, so that anyone can locate documents in the absence of the dealing hand.
Ms. Pradnya Nadkarni conducted two sessions one on 11th & other on 18th October 2022 on how to use Gmail more efficiently. She covered topics like Type of Accounts, Main Menu Views, Organizing Inbox, Creating Labels, Search and Filter emails, Archive an email, Report as Spam, deleting email, Mark as unread, Snooze an email, Add email to task, Move to, Labelling email, Mark as important email, Star an email with different colours, Create an event, Mute an email, forward all email, Schedule email, Confidential email, Create email Template, Auto reply an email, Auto forward email, Vacation email, Un-send an email, Create email signature, Create email signature using free online signature generator, Email shortcut Keys, How to secure your email account and Email Etiquettes.
On 25th October & 1st November 2022, Ms. Pradnya conducted sessions on Google Workspace. During these two sessions, she covered topics like Google Drive: Create folder, folder sharing, upload files, file sharing and collaborating, organize your files, creating files, Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides, Creating Templates, and Google Contacts. She also demonstrated Creating forms, Creating Quiz, Google Calendar: Creating Events and Task, Setup New Calendar, Sharing Calendar etc.
On 14th October 2022, Ms. Usha Gauncar conducted a session on WPS Writer -Text formatting, alignment, Font, Paragraph & line spacing, Bullets & numbering, Find & replace, format painter, Inserting header, footer, page border, page colour, watermark, Views, Page setup for printing, page break and Template.
On 21st October 2022, Ms. Usha covered topics such as WPS Writer & Presentation – Insert objects like picture, table, shapes, WPS art and their formatting, insert text from file, insert file object, Word count, thesaurus, export to PDF, Creation of slides, formatting, slide design, Animation and transitions, Views and slideshow.
On 28th October and 4th November 2022, Ms. Usha covered topics such as WPS Spreadsheet -Referencing (absolute, relative, mixed), Simple formula (sum, count, max, min…), Auto filter and advanced filters, Pivot table for data analysis, VLOOKUP formula, Date functions, If formula, Subtotal, Conditional formatting and Sorting.
The 9-Day ICT workshop was coordinated by Dr. Lina Sadekar, IQAC Coordinator.