The Department of Physical Education & Sports of the College organised its First Inter-Collegiate Sports Event, Helios 1.0 on 1st and 2nd March 2019.

The purpose behind organising Helios 1.0 was to encourage the participation of youngsters and promote physical activity. The idea was to work with the motto “sports is for all – athletes and non-athletes”. Success would be achieved if any non-sportsperson participates in Helios.

Helios 1.0 comprised of a total of eight sports:

Badminton                Strong man                 Futsal

Tower Run                Control Cricket          Best Squats

Strong Woman          Tug of War

Helios 1.0 started with a formal Inaugural session. The Chief Guest for the Inaugural was Mr. Sumiran Amonkar Current Ranji player and ex-student of the College, and the Guest of Honour was Mr. Sudhakar Naik – former College Director of Physical Education & Sports of Shree Damodar College. Principal Dr. Prita D. Mallya, Vice-Principal Dr. Rodney D’silva, College Director of Physical Education and Sports Mr. Ajinkya Kudtarkar and Sports Secretary Mr. Habib Shaikh were the dignitaries present on the dais.

The Principal delivered the Welcome Address and the Chief Guest spoke about his experience as a Ranji Player. Mr. Ajinkya Kudtarkar gave an overview of Helios and Mr. Sandesh Gaonkar Asst. Professor gave the Vote Of thanks.

A total of 6 colleges from different parts of Goa participated in the tournament.

All teams participated in the tournament with true sportsmanship spirit. It was a close battle between two teams for the Championship. Finally, Government College, Quepem emerged victorious and Government College, Borda settled for the Runners-up position.

The tournament came to an end with a formal Prize distribution ceremony where the winners and runners-up were awarded with medals, trophies and certificates. The Chief Guest for the valedictory session was Mr. Rajdeep Dessai, Sports Secretary of the College during 2017-18, under whose leadership the College won the title of Best Sports College (Men) 2017-18. In his speech, he expressed his appreciation of all the events and the organization of Helios 1.0. The vote of thanks was proposed by Sports Secretary Mr. Habib Shaikh.
