Hands-on Training on Development of E-Commerce Platform

The Department of Management Studies of VVM’s Shree Damodar College of Commerce & Economics, organized an interactive session for SY BBA(FS) students on 07th August, 2024 in Classroom F-403, led by Mr. Prajvalit Gaonkar, student of TY BBA(FS), Div B. The hands-on training on Development of E-commerce Platform was carried out to supplement the course ‘E-commerce’ which is part of the curriculum for the BBA(FS) programme in Semester III.

During the session, Mr. Gaonkar covered fundamental e-commerce topics, such as the meaning and types of ecommerce, and provided an overview of popular e-commerce platforms.  He also introduced concepts related to website creation, such as hosting, domain name and Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The session featured a short workshop where students were guided in creating a basic e-commerce website using Shopify, including designing a homepage and product pages.

The session was informative and productive, and allowed the students to gain an insight into practical applications of e-commerce. It also provided a better understanding of how websites are developed and designed. A total of 60 students (39 male, 21 female) from SY BBA(FS) attended the same session.

Expected Outcome of the Activity: 

The session aimed to enable students to gain an understanding of the practical applications of e-commerce, enhancing their knowledge of website creation and design.
