Guest Session on ‘Management of Working Capital’

The PG Department of Commerce organized a Guest Session on the topic ‘Management of Working Capital’ on 29th October 2022. The Resource Person for the session was Mr. Suraj Dessai, Finance Manager, Danlaw Electronics Assembly Limited, Verna Industrial Estate. The main objective of the session was to provide practical insights of working capital management. Ms. Valencia Baptista, Asst. Prof. in Commerce welcomed the audience and gave a brief overview of the importance of the session. Ms. Shruti Pai Khot from M.Com Part I introduced the Resource Person.

Mr. Suraj Dessai commenced the session with an activity to demonstrate effective utilization of resources. He proceeded with the activity by making 2 teams: M.Com-I and M.Com-II, each team comprising one leader and 5 members. The outcome of the activity was that Team M.Com-II was ahead of the other team in terms of effective leadership, proper communications, time management and patience. Hence Team M.Com-II was declared as the winner. The Resource Person further added that in the process of any task accomplishment; planning in terms of availability of resources and time management is very important as this contributes to effective utilization of resources.

Thereafter Mr. Suraj presented the audience with a Case Study of Working Capital Management of Danlaw company. Here, he mentioned how Danlaw Company managed its receivables during Covid-19 Pandemic by focussing on Accounts receivables, bill discounting, advances from existing customers to support the production, Revenue Model, cash forecast, weekly sales, debtors and creditors ageing forecast. He explained how his team discussed and identified possible factors causing increase in credit. He also covered the roles of supply chain department, marketing team involvement and most importantly, the role of finance department in all the aspects of the company. He also covered risk return trade-off, opportunities and challenges faced and action plan of Danlaw Company and factors affecting the success and failure of decision-making process.

The session was very informative and helped the students in understanding the various practicalities of Management of Working Capital during crisis. The students raised various queries, which the Resource Person readily answered. The session ended at 12:30 p.m. and Mr. Hassan Raza from M.Com Part I proposed the Vote of Thanks. A total of 57 M.Com students attended the session.
