Guest Session on ‘Basics of Value Investment in Equity’

The PG Department of Commerce organized a Guest Session on the topic ‘Basics of Value Investment in Equity’ on 1st November 2022. The Resource Person for the session was Ms. Manalee Verneker, Financial Planner and Chartered Wealth Manager, Founder & CEO of Financial Wisdom. The main objective of the session was to provide practical insights into Value Investment in Equity segment. Ms. Edrea Picardo, Asst. Professor in Commerce welcomed the audience and gave a brief overview of the importance of the session. Ms. Shantani Prabhu from M.Com-I introduced the Resource Person.

Ms. Manalee Verneker commenced the session with an introduction to stock exchanges. Thereafter she explained how the NSE & BSE work, process of listing in primary market by new company, IPO process and investment criteria, how Analysts prepare the data of the listed shares, who are the underwriters, different cycles of the stock market, fundamentals of company, trend analysis & lastly, she explained the market capitalization including large cap, mid cap, and small cap.

The session was followed by an activity to demonstrate Mock Trading of Equity shares or Mock Investment in Equity shares with the help of MoneyControl App. She proceeded with the activity by making students download the app and she explained the procedure of mock trading step by step. The outcome of the activity was that students were able to understand the Basics of Value Investment in Equity shares. Hence the objective of the session was achieved.

The session was very informative and helped students understand the various practicalities of Investment in Equity. The students raised various queries, which the resource person answered and encouraged them to reach out to her on WhatsApp. The session ended at 12:30 p.m. and Ms. Uma Pandit from M.Com-I proposed the vote of thanks. A total of 58 M.Com students attended the session.
