Guest Lectures on Retail Marketing By M.Com Dept.

Retail Marketing Anjali Kamat smallA guest lecture on the topic Retail Marketing was held on the 28th of July, 2017 for the students of M.Com Part II.

The Guest Faculty for the lecture was Ms. Anjali Kamat, ex-student of Post Graduate Department of Commecrce of V.V.M’s Shree Damodar College of Commerce & Economics, and is presently working as Deputy General Manager in Horivação, Gogol, Margao-Goa.  The Programme began with Ms. Vandana Velip a student of M.Com Part II introducing the guest speaker.

Ms. Kamat began by explaining the concept of entrepreneurship and how a person venturing into this field should not expect a profit for two years.

Ms. Kamat then elaborated on the particulars about the Company she is working for: Horivação. She informed that Horivação specialized in three verticals: Power Control Products, Agricultural Products and Cloth Fabric Products. It used store as well as non-store i.e. online based retail formats. The company sells its products at its store in Gogol, Margao as well as on the IndiaMart website.  No middlemen are used by the company.

Ms. Kamat then highlighted the intricacies of the retail strategies used by Horivação. The target market for all their verticals were middle aged consumers and pricing of products was based on the target market. The company actively engages in social media marketing. When promoting its products, Horivação uses the concept of Sales Funnel (1:10:100). This means that they target a hundred potential customers, from these ten persons will be interested in buying the product and from these ten persons only one person will actually purchase the product.

Students actively interacted with Ms. Kamat and were interested to know more about different types of products of the company. The Programme ended with a vote of thanks proposed by a student of M.Com Part II, Ms. Karishma Desai.
