Guest Lecture on “Vedic Mathematics- High Speed Maths”

Ms. Mamta Kumari, Asst. Professor, Department of Mathematics organised a Guest Lecture for the students of FY B.Com on August 27th, 2019 on the topic “Vedic Mathematics- High Speed Maths”. The Resource Person was Mr. Sagar Ram Sakordekar – founder of SRS Vedic Mathematics Academy at Mangeshi-Ponda. Mr. Sakordekar is a Chartered Engineer by profession. Mr. Sakordekar has been a member of various boards and committees. He is also associated with Lions Club and has won many prestigious awards.  During the last 13 years, he has conducted a number of workshops on Vedic Mathematics for students at different levels – from high school to post graduation – and also for teachers in Goa, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Gujarat. So, far he has taught Vedic Mathematics to more than 36000 students and teachers.

Mr. Sakordekar gave a brief history of Vedic Mathematics and told students about the Indian Monk Swami Bharati Krishna Tirtha who wrote the first book on Vedic Mathematics, which was published in 1965. He explained various high speed techniques for doing calculations such as multiplication, division, finding squares and so on. 135 students attended the session. They solved a number of problems using these techniques and enjoyed the session.
