Guest lecture on safety Management

A guest lecture was held on 22nd August 2016 on safety Management at work place by Mr Clarence D’souza , AGM Vedanta Resources Ltd for T.Y.B com Industrial management students, Mr D’souza  started off by informing the students the importance of safety not only at the work place but also at home and elsewhere. He spoke about the hazards in industry especially mining and how to ensure safety of the workers.

He emphasized how an attitude of an individual is important in ensuring his or her personal safety. He shared his day to day experiences on how employees try to bypass safety rules which often meet with severe accidents. He elaborated on code of practice for accident prevention, concept of occupational safety and rules of safety at the work place

This guest lecture was organized by Lina Sadekar ,she introduced the resource person and welcomed him while Dr Manoj Kamat Proposed the vote of thanks.

This session was attended by around eighty students from all three divisions of
