Guest Lecture on Research Methodology

The PG Dept. organized a guest lecture in the subject of Research Methodology on 19th of January 2019 at 11.00 am. The Resource person was Dr. Pushpender Kumar Yadav, Assistant Professor in the Department of Commerce, Goa University. The session was attended by the students of M.Com Part I and II and the M.Com faculty.

The Programme began with Asst. Prof. Mr. Frazer Taylor introducing the resource person.

Dr. Pushpender actively interacted with the students on the topic of ‘Research Methodology’. He discussed the aims of conducting research, what research is and is not, the difference between methods and methodology. Research methods may be understood as all techniques used by the researchers during the course of studying the research problem. Research methodology involves various steps generally adopted by a researcher in studying the research problem along with the logic behind them. He also covered the deductive and inductive approaches adopted in research. In Deductive reasoning thinking proceeds from general assumptions to specific applications, while Inductive reasoning is concluding about events (general) based on information generated through many individual and direct observations (specific).

The resource person also spoke about the components of a theory in research i.e. What, How and Why and the importance of boundary conditions i.e. Who, Where and When. Then he went on to speak about the process involved in research in greater detail. The research process is as follows;

Formulating the research problem; Extensive literature survey; Developing the hypothesis; Preparing the research design; Determining sample design; Collecting the data; Execution of the project; Analysis of data; Hypothesis testing; Generalisations and interpretation, and Preparation of the report or presentation of the results

The resource person stressed on the importance of review of literature i.e. why it is important, why a researcher should not stop and continue reviewing the existing literature till the time of data collection. He also gave his insights on how to review the existing literature in a particular area of research, how to identify the research problem and research gap, How to formulate hypotheses, the errors involved in accepting and rejecting hypotheses i.e. Type I and Type II errors etc.

Dr. Pushpender’s presentation concluded with an interactive session with the students. The Programme ended with a vote of thanks proposed by Ms. Ariti Kumari, student of M.Com Part I. A total of 47 students(10 Male and 37 Female) participated in the event.
