Guest Lecture on Principles and Practice of Insurance

The Department of BBA(FS) of VVM’s Shree Damodar College of Commerce & Economics, Margao, Goa organised a guest lecture on the topic “Recent Developments in Insurance Industry” as part of the Principles and Practice of Insurance course. The session was held on 21st August 2019 for Second Year BBA(FS) students from 11:30a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The main objective of the session was to create awareness about fundamentals of insuranceand recent developments in the Indian insurance industry. The resource person for the session was Ms. SnehaLawande, Agency Development Manager, Max Life Insurance Company.


Ms. Lawande has several achievements to her credit. She achieved Fast Track Promotion within 8 months. She was listed among the TOP 10 Managers of the Country. Qualified for International Convention in Istanbul Turkey. She was awarded Manager of the Year 2017-18, Most Valuable Player Award 2017-2018 and Champion of Champions Award, 2017-2018. She currently supervises a team of 12 people (Financial Advisors).

At the outset, Mr. Shawn Menezes, SYBBA(FS) student welcomed and introduced the resource person. The session laid emphasis on What is Insurance?, types of insurance, benefits of life insurance, recent developments in the insurance industry, the key points being digital push, better reach, outstanding claim settlement ratio, fraud management practices, growth in premium, and Government focus on formalization of economy in helping grow financial assets. She also enlightened the students by providing them valuable information about the various career options in the Indian insurance industry.


Ms. Sneha Lawande appreciated the active participation of the students.


A total of 54Second year BBA(Financial Services) students attended the session. Mr. Shawn Menezes, proposed the vote of thanks. The session ended at 12:30 p.m. Ms. Lizia V. Gomes and Mr. Mayuresh Adsul, Assistant Professors in Commerce were the teachers in charge of the session.
