Guest Lecture on “Practical aspects of Cost Accounting’

imageDr. Edwin Barreto, Mr. Gajanan Haldankar and Ms. Muktali Cuncoliencar of the Department of Commerce and Management organized an online guest lecture on 4th November 2020 from 12.00 to 1.00 pm. for SY B.Com students in the subject of Fundamentals of Cost Accounting. The resource person for the session was Mr. Shailendra Veluskar, partner at Kris Manufacturing Co, Kakoda. Assistant professor Ms. Muktali Cuncoliencar introduced the resource person.

The guest faculty commenced the session by giving a brief description about his business. He shared his journey of starting his own manufacturing unit i.e. Kris manufacturing unit. He also explained to students how he got JSW dealership in Goa and what he was doing differently as compared to his competitors. He discussed with students about the different machinery used for the production and his company’s overall marketing strategy. He then gave students a detailed explanation about the elements of Product cost and how to control the product cost, while simultaneously maintaining good quality of the product. At the end, he briefed students about his company’s turnover and what his plans for his company in the next five years.

Mr. Veluskar then addressed several queries raised by students. 48 students attended the session. Assistant Professor Gajanan Haldankar proposed the vote of thanks.
