Guest Lecture on Occupational Health and Safety’

Dr. Lina Sadekar, Head, Department of Commerce and Management organized a guest lecture in Industrial Management on August 17, 2019. The Resource Person was Dr. Vallabh Bapu Dhaimodkar, Medical Director at Vidhya Diagnostics. 90 TY B.Com students attended.

The session was titled ‘How Safe is your Employee at the work place? Occupational Health and Safety’. Ms. Prachi Kolamker introduced the speaker for the session. Dr. Dhaimodkar spoke about Occupational Health and Safety in Industry. He started by explaining various kinds of Occupational Hazards faced by employees working in different types of organizations. He also shared his experience of how he trains employees to prevent accidents and protect themselves by using various safety equipments. Dr. Dhaimodkar spoke at length about the various safety rules and the Standing operating procedures developed for each activity so as to provide a preventive approach. The main highlight of his talk was how carelessness can lead to accidents. He made it a point to take questions from the students and discussed on how one can be safe at the place of work. The session ended with the Vote of Thanks proposed by student Ms. Kezia da Costa.
