Guest Lecture on Marketing Management

The Post-Graduate Dept. of Commerce organized a Guest Lecture in the subject of Marketing Management on April 1, 2021 from 1.00 pm to 2.15 pm via Google Meet. The main objective of the Guest Lecture was to provide the students with deep insight and knowledge about Digital Marketing. 45 students of M.Com Part I attended the session

The session began with the welcome address by Ms. Seema Dharani, faculty in-charge. Mr. Sahil Kutkar, student of M.Com Part I introduced the Guest Speaker Mr. Mark Rocha. Mr. Rocha started the interaction briefing the students about his job profile as the Project Manager of the company.

Mr. Rocha spoke about Digital Marketing, misconceptions about digital marketing media and changes that have occurred in the business dynamics due to the pandemic, leading the pathway to growing importance of Digital Marketing – A New Connect to the Customers.

Mr. Mark then went on to talk about the four components of digital marketing:

  1. Social Media Marketing
  2. Performance Marketing
  3. Influence Marketing
  4. Content Marketing

He explained in detail the importance of each and the key metrics like lead generation, impression, CTR, Conversion that are used to analyze the effectiveness and reach of digital ads. He also discussed about the difference in approach of domestic and international clients in choosing Digital Marketing Media.

The session ended with a Q&A session. Mr. Saish Naik, student of M.Com Part I proposed the Vote of Thanks.
