Guest Lecture on Marketing

A guest lecture was conducted for the students of First Year B.Com Marketing Management on 14th July 2018. The lecture began at 9:00AM and was attended by 32 students. The resource person for the function was Mr. Allwin John Joseph, City Supply Manager at Fabhotels.

The resource person emphasized the importance of marketing research in new product development process, pricing strategies and promotion techniques and he also stressed on the relevance of the product life cycle.  He introduced the students to many exclusive examples about placement of items in the supermarkets. For e.g. chocolates are usually displayed at the lower shelf as it is at the eye level of children, similarly shampoos are placed at the eye level of the ladies. He also explained the change in the style of advertisements with the help of Dove ‘Run like a Girl’ internet commercial. He also stressed on the perishability of services by considering the hotel industry. The students were asked to name some brands and then he explained the importance and the influence of branding on consumers. He also spoke about some product failures like Vanilla Coke and Blue Pepsi. The lecture ended at around 10:15 AM. The students thoroughly enjoyed the session and also found it useful. The session ended with a vote of thanks.
