Guest Lecture on “Leadership Skills: Effective Leadership in the Corporate World”

The BBA(FS) Department organised an online Guest Lecture on Fundamentals of Management Course and Life Skills Session (as a part of 30 Hours Certificate Course) for First Year BBA(Financial Services) students on 24th October 2020 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. using the Google Meet platform. The topic of the session was “Effective Leadership in the Corporate World”. The main objective of the session was to provide valuable insights to enable students to identify actions that set the stage for a leader’s success in an organisation. The Resource Person for the session was Ms. Caroline Stewart Silva, Professional Life Coach.

Mr. Kirsten Da Costa, student of FY BBA(FS) welcomed and introduced the Resource Person. The topics covered for the session were:

  • Importance of Leadership in Today’s Business Environment
  • Leadership Skills for Growth and Development
  • Leadership Styles
  • Managers v/s Leaders
  • What is Personality?
  • Personality Development
  • How to Develop your Personality
  • Importance of Developing Leadership Skills
  • Leadership Core Values
  • Steps to become a Good Leader
  • Six Leadership Principles
  • Level 5 Leadership Module and Work Ethics.

The session also laid emphasis on the qualities of a good leader. 51 students attended the session, which ended at 12:30 p.m. with the Vote of Thanks delivered by Mr. Kirsten Da Costa. The session was coordinated by Asst. Prof. Lizia V. Gomes and Asst. Prof. Ashwini Devari.
