Guest Lecture on Insights into Cyber Security & Networking

The Department of Computer Science organized a Guest Lecture for SY and TYBCA students on “Insights into Cyber Security & Networking” by Mr. Rajeev Vasudevan Director, IT Infrastructure of a Leading MNC. The online lecture was conducted on 9th March 2021 from 10.00 am to 12.00 pm as part of the students’ Data Communications course. 40 students attended the session.

Mr. Rajeev Vasudevan started his session by connecting with students by sharing his journey in the field of Networking. He delivered his session starting with Cyber Security and emphasizing the growing demand of cyber security professionals not only in India but across the globe.

To add to the new technologies in Networking, Mr.Vasudevan also highlighted as to why networking knowledge is important and informed students about the various certifications that are available to make a rewarding career in Networking Industry.

Mr. Rajeev mentioned that although the initial stages in a networking career may be full of challenges, as one progresses. the benefits are much higher as compared to other career options in IT. He motivated the students to learn the subject with interest so as to make a good career in Networking and IT Infrastructure.

Mr. Rajeev Vasudevan shared the importance of Soft Skills at the workplace and encouraged students to acquire the required technical as well as soft skills while they are on campus.

Students had an opportunity to interact and get their queries addressed by an expert professional from the Networking Industry.

Mr. Sumit Kumar, Head, Dept. of Computer Science introduced the Resource Person and Ms. Namita Neurenkar, Asst. Prof. Dept. of Computer Science, proposed the Vote of Thanks.
