Guest Lecture on ‘Indian Financial system: Growth and development’

The Department of Management in association with Goa Association of Financial Advisors organized a Seminar on “Digital Disruptions in Mutual Funds” on 22nd October 2022 from 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. 97 students attended the Seminar, which aimed at creating awareness about the growth and development of the Mutual Fund Industry.

Principal, Prof. Prita D. Mallya welcomed the gathering and gave a brief overview about the topic. The Vice President of GAFA, Mr. Hari Kamat welcomed all the participants and highlighted the importance of the Mutual Fund Industry. The speaker for the first session was Mr. Mayur Gaitonde, Joint Assistant & Vice President, HDFC AMC.  He spoke on how the mutual fund industry has been rewarding for the investors and also explained the challenges faced by the industry during the pandemic. The second speaker was Mr. Sulaksh Priolkar, Partner, Hari Investments. He spoke on the recent trends in the Mutual Fund Industry and highlighted the measures taken by SEBI for the recategorization of schemes for the benefit of the AMCs as well as the investors. The Q & A were handled by the two speakers after the session.

The third session was by Mr. Vishwambar Kenkare, Founder, Kenkare Investments. He spoke on the importance of Phygital. He started with the recent developments and various digital economy players.  He also emphasized on the important role of the advisor or financial planner for Investment planning.

The speaker of the last session was Mr. Ganesh Kothatha, MBA, AFP, Life Planner (USA) Chief Financial Planner Wealth Doctors. He addressed the various aspects of mutual fund investment and important of retirement planning. He stated the importance of power of compounding and how it can help the individuals to create wealth. He also gave an example with live demo on Goal Planning for an investor with a case study. He also suggested various books such has Rich Dad Poor Dad, Atomic Habits and Speed of Trust which will help an individual to make life simple and easier for Investment.

The Q & A session was held at the end. The Speakers responded to the questions of the students. The Session was very interactive and informative. Mr. Yash Prabhudessai, a student from FYBBA proposed the Vote of Thanks.
