Dr. Shami R. Pai, Head, Dept. of Commerce & Management organized an online guest lecture titled “Importance of Life Insurance” for FY and TY B.Com students, to familiarize them with the role of life insurance and the functioning of Life Insurance Corporation of India. 30 students attended the lecture, which was

The Resource Person for the session was Ms. Ruhi Chatim Verlekar, ex-student of the College and Development Officer, LIC of India. Ms. Ruhi explained the concept and importance of life insurance. She enumerated the various reasons for purchasing life insurance, viz. income protection in case of untimely death, permanent disability, liquidating liability of loan, for dignified retired life and for tax saving.
She further mentioned that life insurance has a solution for all the fears of life. Thus, she covered the concept of life insurance, reasons for life insurance, and how much to invest in life insurance. She also answered the questions raised by the students.