Guest Lecture on ‘Health and Safety Management’

A guest session was conducted for the T Y B Com students on ‘Health and Safety Management’ in the subject of Industrial Management on Monday, 13th August 2018. The resource person for the guest session was Mr. Clarence D’Souza Ex Associate General Manager Health and Safety Vedanta Resources Pvt. Ltd. The session began at 11.00 am.

Asst Prof. Ainsley Bernard introduced the resource person for the session. The session was attended by approximately 120 students from all divisions of T Y B Com.

The resource person started the session by talking about the importance of adopting safety measures at the workplace as well as the increasing focus on health and safety management at the industrial level in recent years. He discussed the various safety measures one can adopt in their day to day life as individual safety is equally important to industrial safety. He further added that adopting safety measures at home goes a long way in determining how workers deal with safety at their workplace. He explained how compromising on safety can prove disastrous for an organization and its workers. He further discussed the various safety measures that industries need to adopt as per statute. Real Life examples were shared with the students so as to enable them get a perspective of the importance of safety in the industrial arena.

The session concluded at 12:15 pm with the vote of thanks by Ms. Christene, student of T Y B Com.
