Guest Lecture on Green Management

A guest lecture was held for FY B.Com students on Green Management on 22nd September 2017. The resource person was Mr. Sujeet Kumar Dongre, who is working as a Scientist with the Centre for Environment Education, a National Centre of Excellence of the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Govt. of India.

Dr. Lina Sadekar welcomed the Speaker and introduced him to the audience. The20170922_113150 resource person informed the students about the importance of doing business without polluting the environment. He gave examples as to how today with technological advancement it is possible to produce environment friendly products.

It was an interactive session and the students participated wholeheartedly in the discussion. 75 students from FY B.Com (Div A and B) attended the session. The feedback from students was very positive and encouraging. Students expressed their desire for more sessions of a similar nature.

Ms. Tess from FY B.Com Div. B proposed the vote of thanks.
