Guest Lecture on Financial Management

The Post Graduate Department of Commerce organised a Guest Lecture on Financial Management on 12th October, 2019 at 1.30 p.m.The main objective of the Guest Lecture was to provide the students with a practical viewpoint about Financial Management.

The Resource Person Ms.Carneiro, began the session by discussing about the attitude one has to have towards work. She shared several tips on how to be efficient at the work place. Students were advised on how to be positive, stay focused,and avoid stress, benefits of having good company and reading inspirational books.She also shared her experience in the corporate world where these points helped her work more effectively.

Ms.Carneiro discussed about the basic functions of the Financial Manager viz. Investment Function, Capital Budgeting Function, Dividend Function and Working Capital Function. She elaborated on the challenges one faces as a financial manager and the prudence one has to have while taking decisions as a financial manager. The decisions taken by the financial manager have a far reaching impact on the company and its ability to achieve its goals and objectives. Students found the session interesting and informative.  Ms. Alaska Gomes, student of M.Com Part II proposed the Vote of Thanks.
