Guest Lecture on “Create Your Own Brand”

A guest lecture was held for SY B.Com studentson 20th September, 2018 from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m., on the topic “Create Your Own Brand” in order to stand out in today’s competitive world.
The resource person for the guest lecture was Mrs.Neelam Y. Kalangutkar, a Corporate Behavioural Trainer by profession with over 10 years of experience in the field of training and development and 7 years of experience in the field of Human Resource Development. Mrs.Kalangutkar has worked in the Human Resource Department of CIPLA Ltd. Verna-Goa, as an Assistant Manager; currently pursuing a career as a Freelance trainer. The resource person was introduced and welcomed by Asst. Prof.PallaviShinde.
Mrs.Neelam began the session by explaining about different opportunity identification in starting up an enterprise. She also discussed innovative business ideas and their sources. Further, Mrs.Neelamspoke about the importance of creativity and imagination in forming a new business. She asked the students about different marketing strategies that they would follow to deal with their competitors in the market.
Mrs.Neelam spoke on creating an impact on the customers through integrity, manners, personality, appearance, etc. She further emphasized the role of key aspects like confidence, passion, determination, authentication to create their own brand in the market. She said that the entrepreneur should create a network with his customers by making a strong and favourable first impression and should take advice from successful experienced people in the respective field.
The vote of thanks was proposed by Asst. Prof.PallaviShinde. This lecture was attended by 17 students. The session was interactive, wherein the resource person conducted small activities for the students. The students enjoyed the session as they could acquire the practical knowledge about the working of a corporate sector and different strategies and steps to be followed in forming a new enterprise.
