Guest Lecture on “Coding Standards used in Industry”

The Department of Computer Science organized a Guest Lecture on “Coding Standards used in Industry”for FYBCA students on 15th October, 2019 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in Lab 2, Annexe Building. Mr.ShailendraNaik, CEO Naik Solutions and an alumnus of the College, was the Resource Person for this session.The session was organised by Ms.NamitaNeurenkar.

Mr.ShailendraNaikspoke on the work environment in the industry.He explained howproject teams are formed and work classified. Mr.Naik then highlighted the purpose and importance of coding standards. He gave an insight into the coding standards used in the software industry for software development in recent times. He demonstratedthe codes and also explained different forms of documentation required for software development.


Mr.Shailendra motivated students to work on small projects at the end of completion of every course, so as to master at least one language and prove their skills in industry. He advised students to adapt to any software language for career advancement. He also said that young developers should be ambitious and aim at achieving excellence in their field.This session motivated students asthey discovered that there is abundant scope in the software industry for proficient programmers.


A total number of 30 students attended the Guest Lecture and have given a positive feedback of the same.
