Guest Lecture on Change is the only Constant in Business

The Department of Economics and Banking organized a guest lecture on 1st November 2022 in Hall Number 2 of the Central Block from 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.48 students from the Second Year B.Com class of Business Environment attended the session. Ms. Sauda Bi Shaikh was the compere and Ms. Nicolla Mascarenhas introduced the Resource Person, after which the session commenced.

Mr. Alkesh Desai, Entrepreneur, Damodar Global, Goa, and an ex-student of the College, was the Resource Person for the session. Mr. Desai briefly explained the theoretical and practical meaning of business environment. He elaborated on how change affects businesses using the case study of Nokia company. He emphasized the external factors like economic, demographic, technological, natural, political and global factors that affect business environment. He substantiated these factors with relevant and current examples of popular businesses across the global business scenario. He concluded the session by explaining the importance of knowing and studying the business environment, so as to identify opportunities and resources for businesses. He then effectively addressed the questions posed by the students.

The session came to an end with Ms. Vaishnavi Dhage proposing the Vote of Thanks. Mr. Shreyas Desai and Ms. Stesa Pereira were the faculty members who coordinated the session.
