Guest Lecture on Cash Management

The Post Graduate Department of Commerce organised a Guest lecture on 06th March 2020 at 10:15am to provide students theoretical and practical knowledge about cash management. A total of 22 students attended the lecture.

The Resource Person for the session was Mr. Shrey Kulkarni, an alumnus of the College and the PG department. He began the session by giving a brief introduction about management of cash where he focused on the need to manage cash. He explained the different motives for holding cash, that is, transaction motive, precautionary motive, speculation motive and compensating motive. Factors considered while determining optimum cash balance, elements of cash systems were also discussed in the session. He also explained the different types of floats – collection float, mail float, processing float, availability float. All the types of collection systems were explained with flowcharts. The concept of cash concentration was also explained along with its advantages, functions and types. He also made a presentation on the topic, Disbursement System – Types and Tools.

Later, the Miller-ORR Model was explained to the students along with its assumptions. Different concepts were explained with the help of diagrams. The session concluded by solving a problem on cash budget.
