Guest Lecture on Business Management-Major II

A guest lecture was conducted for the TYBCom students in the subject of Business Management-Major II on 18th August 2018 at 8:45 am.

The Resource person for the lecture was Mr. Suraj Desai, currently the Asst. Finance Manager, Titan Time Products.  Mr. Desai briefed students on the Business process in the company and the different job opportunities created in the same.

He also spoke about the business systems: Business to Business(B2B) and Business to Consumer(B2C).  He also briefed the students about the nature of tasks undertaken by the staff in the accounts department apart from the very few duties the students normally are given to understand in their curriculum.  Some of the tasks of accounts department as mentioned by the resource person were handling treasury and bills, tax, accounts, settling creditors, collection of dues from the debtors, etc.

The resource person updated the students about the requirements of the corporate world so that they can accordingly equip themselves.  The students got to know about the job opportunities that are available in the corporate world.  The lecture was attended by 33 students and the session was quite interactive.  The students were also keen in knowing the pay package for such jobs as mentioned by the resource person in his talk and the scope for them to grow once employed in the corporate world.
