The Teachers’ Recreation Committee celebrated Ganesh Chaturthi on 10
th September in the Smart Classroom at 12.30 pm. All staff memb

ers were dressed in traditional Indian attire in accordance with the decided theme for the programme. The programme started with Ms. Dyananda Prabhudessai reciting a poem specially written by her to capture the theme of the festival. This was followed by spot prizes organised by Ms. Marjina Shaikh and Ms. Stesa Pereira. A PowerPoint presentation encapsulating the essence of Ganseh Chaturthi was prepared by Ms. Nikhita Mayekar. Ms. Muktali Cuncolienkar conducted a quiz to test the knowledge of the staff members regarding the festival. A group performance was put up by the staff members. The programme ended with a spread consisting of traditional lunch that is specially prepared during the festival of Ganesh Chaturthi. The coordinators for the function were Mr. Ainsley Bernard, Ms. Stesa Pereira, Ms. Marjina Shaikh and Ms. Muktali Cuncolienkar.
70 Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff of all programmes attended the event…