“Gandhiji- The Mahatma” An Essay Competition

ESSAY COMPETITIONVVM’s Shree Damodar College of Commerce & Economics, Margao organized the Second Inter-collegiate essay-cum-presentation competition “Gandhiji: The Mahatma” on Martyrs’ day .The idea behind the competition is to familiarize the younger generation with Gandhiji’s thoughts and ideas. The topic of the competition is a quotation of Mahatma Gandhi chosen for its relevance to modern times. This year the quotation selected was “To call woman the weaker sex is libel, it is man’s injustice to woman”.
Seven colleges across the state participated in the event. Mrs. Rekha Rao, Grade I teacher RMS Higher Secondary School and Mrs. Alison Almeida, Dept. of English, Shree Damodar College were the judges for the event. Principal Dr. Prita D. Mallya in her welcome address, urged students to develop their communication skills, as these skills are critical for their careers. With this in mind, the competition was designed to test students’ written and oral communication skills.
St Xavier’s College, Mapusa, won the Rolling Trophy and DM’s College, Assagao, bagged second place. CA. S. Bhat Convener of the College Cultural Council and Ms. Mamta Kumari coordinated the program.