Friendship Day Celebration

IMG_4241V.V.M’s Shree Damodar College of Commerce & Economics celebrated Friendship Day on 8th August 2016. The function began at 10.30 am with a song by Asst. Prof.  Frazer Taylor.

The General Secretary of the Students’ Council, Mr. Kaushik Jain, welcomed all the students and faculty members for the friendship day celebrations.

Dr. Mrs. Prita. D. Mallya , Principal of Shree Damodar College, IMG_4217wished all the students and staff  not just a Happy Friendship day, but a Happy Friendship Year. She stressed that the students’ strength lies in unity and that students should create an atmosphere of cooperation and friendliness, and work together for all the upcoming collegiate and intercollegiate events.

IMG_4246The brochure for ‘Economica’ was released by the Principal Dr. Mrs. Prita. D. Mallya, in the presence of Vice Principal Dr. Sanjay Dessai, Head, Dept of Economics, Dr. Sarath Chandran, and Convenor of Economics, Mr. Vishal Chari.

The students came dressed in ‘Blue and White’ to attend the Friendship day celebration and various cultural programmes and games with spot prizes were organised. Students put up brilliant dance performances and sang popular songs to celebrate Friendship Day. Also, a beautiful PowerPoint presentation was created and displayed to relive the memories of various intercollegiate events, hikes, picnics and other activities held over the previous years.

Ms.Savia Da Costa and Ms.Amruta Katageri did a great job of compering the event. The programme ended at 1.00pm with the ‘Vote of Thanks’ proposed by Sonali Kerkar, LR of Student’s Council. The Convener of the Students’ Council Mr. Edwin Barreto, along with Ms. Namita Neurenkar, Ms. Swati Bhat, Ms.Sandhya Joseph and Ms. Ulpa Waingankar helped coordinate the event.
