Formal Compering Workshop

A Formal Compering Workshop was organized by the Students’ Council on 21st July 2018 from 10:00am to 11:30 am. The resource person for the workshop was Mr. John Silveira, certified international trainer, State Coordinator, National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF). The programme commenced with the introduction and formal welcome.

The resource person, Mr. John Silveira introduced the topic ‘Art of Compering’ as a specialized form of compering which requires specialized skills. He explained to the students on how to start a speech in a different way like with a quote. Before preparation, important things to be kept in mind are: the nature of the function, type of audience, time duration and the time of start. Also, important suggestions to keep in mind are that different organizations have different protocol; mobile phone should be off, modulation of voice and being in charge of the event. He emphasized that a Master of Ceremonies should have a detailed time bound agenda, invitation copy and list of VVIP’s and should see to the arrangements like convenient seats, enough light, microphone, mineral water and name board.

Further, he discussed important do’s and don’ts that a MC should be involved with in preparing his speech and seeing to the arrangements. Some of the important do’s in compering discussed were checking everything beforehand, preparing a powerful opening, addressing the dignitaries with respect, pronouncing names correctly, ensuring all presentations and equipment are in working condition, introducing the guests in a befitting manner and ending on a positive note. Some of the important don’ts in compering discussed were avoiding negative comments in a speech, having a long opening, moving around here and there, fiddling with things on a table and keeping mobile close to the microphone. The importance of voice modulation and pausing were also highlighted with real life examples. Some tips for the introduction were given like biodata should be collected in advance, keeping it brief and impressive, avoid getting personal and mention abbreviations properly. Some suggestions for the introduction were to avoid saying ‘it is my privilege’, ‘from the bottom of my heart’, ‘let’s give a standing ovation’, ‘from his busy schedule’, ‘apologise for starting late’ and ‘a small memento’, as they could have a double meaning. The agenda for a programme was discussed in the form of an activity wherein volunteers were called and asked to arrange an agenda for a programme. The dais set up and the seating arrangement of the guests was also discussed. Lastly, the resource person concluded that compering is very important and should be done in the best possible way as everybody has to listen and the audience and guests should be treated with respect.

The formal compering workshop was attended by 76 students. It was an interactive session. Students raised many queries and also responded very well to the questions put forth by the resource person. The resource person motivated students to host any programme in the future. The workshop was compered by Asst. Prof. Averyl Pires and the vote of thanks was proposed by Ms. Komal Swamy from SYBCOM C. The formal compering workshop was a great success, highly effective and a great learning experience for participants. The event was coordinated by Asst. Prof. Averyl Pires and Asst. Prof. Namrata Haldankar under the guidance of Students’ Council Convener Dr. Edwin Barreto.
