Flipped Classroom

The Department of Computer Science conducted a Flipped Classroom activity (jigsaw method) for FYBCA students on 14th October, 2019, from 8.00 am to 1.00 pm in Labs II and III, Annexe Building. The faculty in charge was Ms. NamitaNeurenkar.

Students were instructed to work in pairs. The pair consisted of one student who was an advanced learner with strong fundamental knowledge, whereas the other was a student with a poorer performance record. Every group was given problems. The groups then designed algorithms, flowcharts and codes in the first phase of the collaborative teaching-learning method. The teacher’s role was that of the facilitator, to solve the queries of the students during the analysis and developmental stage of the program.

In the second phase, the identified slower learner from every group had to make a presentation with the help of the partner and explain the program with logic applied to the design. In this manner every student collaboratively learnt different logic while working on their programming skills.

The presentation was evaluated by the faculty as an assignment. The evaluation was on the basis of the program design, peer-to-peer teaching-learning, effective presentation and group-based learning.

The students found this mode of assessment interesting and effective.
