Financial Literacy & Investor Awareness Program

The Department of Management of the College organized a Webinar on the topic ‘Financial Literacy & Investor Awareness’ for Second and Third-year BBA(FS) Students on 28thJuly 2022 from 10:15 to 11:00 a.m. The Resource Person for the session was Mr. Jafruddin, Financial Education Trainer by NISM & Resource Person for Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE). The objective of the session was to enlighten the students about trading in Stock market and Mutual funds as an alternative investment option. A total of 80 participants attended the session out of which 32 were males and 48 were females.

Asst. Prof. Ms. Abigale Rodrigues welcomed and introduced the Resource Person. Mr. Jafruddin, took over the session by briefing the students about the existing investment options available to investors to park their surplus funds and the benefits of each option. He enlightened the students on the importance of mutual fund investment with reference to inflation and diversification of portfolios.

The speaker also explained to the students the pyramids of investment and provided tips on trading in the stock market. He also pointed out some of the common avenues that investors choose to make quick money which are very risky.

At the end, the Resource Person addressed the queries raised by the students. The students found the session very informative and beneficial. Vote of Thanks was proposed by Ms. Gizzel D’silva, a student of SY BBA(FS) Div A.
