Field Visit to Goa Shipyard Limited

The Department of Commerce and Management organised a visit to Goa Shipyard Limited on 17th October 2023 for the students of SY B.Com as an activity in the course Fundamentals of Cost Accounting.

The field visit commenced with the students being instructed and guided by a company representative who led them to a classroom within the premises. The Senior Manager extended a warm welcome to the students and faculty members and provided an informative overview of Goa Shipyard. He also screened two short films: one detailing the operations and activities of the Goa Shipyard Company and the other focusing on safety guidelines for both workers and visitors.

Subsequently, the students were escorted to the shipbuilding factory, where they were guided by Mr. Hitesh. He offered a comprehensive explanation of the entire shipbuilding process, which encompasses receiving orders, designing, molding, assembly, installation, painting, and the final launch. The students gained insight into the intricacies of shipbuilding, including the substantial costs involved, which can range from 400 crores and beyond, contingent upon the ship’s size and design.

During their visit to the factory, students had the opportunity to ask questions, providing them with a practical understanding of process costing within a shipbuilding company. 27 students participated in the visit, and they were accompanied by Assistant Professors Akshada Gaonkar and Rochelle Fernandes.
