The Department of Computer Science in association with the Institution’s Innovation Council of the College organized a field visit to Atal Tinkering Lab (ATL) and STEAM lab at VVM’s Vidya Vikas Academy on 16th February 2023 from 02.00 to 03.15 pm.
The purpose of this visit was to familiarize the students of the Application Development Team of the College with the facilities available at the ATL and STEAM labs and how to use the available facilities in their projects.
The visit started with the introduction of the Lab, Lab setup and its purpose by ATL and STEAM Lab in-charges Mr. Vinayak Mhavalankar and Mr. Daniel Miranda respectively. They briefed the students & faculty members about the facilities available at the Labs, types of projects completed by VVA students and the various projects underway.
During the visit, the students were introduced to Drones, IoT devices & facilities, Sensors, 3D Pens & 3D printers of different types and other mechanical devices. Students interacted with the Lab In-charges and got their doubts cleared. They also mentioned that in case any student is interested in taking up projects or on-campus internships, they will be happy in extending the support.
21 students and 03 faculty members participated in the field trip. The visit was appreciated by everyone and students showed interest in getting trained and taking up the projects using the facilities. Faculty Incharges were Mr. Sumit Kumar, Ms. Shruti Kunkolienkar and Mr. Andre Pacheco