Fedena Orientation For Faculties

The Department of Computer Science and the Department of Management of the College conducted a session on “Fedena Orientation for Faculties” on Wednesday 12th October 2022 from 1.45 pm to 2.30 pm in Lab 2. A Total of 13 faculties from the two departments attended the same. The session was conducted by Ms. Pradnya Nadkarni, Lab Assistant.

The session started by welcoming the faculties followed by a brief introduction of the Resource Person by Ms. Rajlaxmi S. Nair, Assistant Professor in Computer Science department. Ms. Pradnya explained the steps involved in marking and viewing the attendance and marks in Fedena software. She also covered other features of Fedena such as applying for leaves, generating reports etc. She ended her session by clarifying doubts of the new faculties. The session ended with a Vote of Thanks proposed by Ms. Vinaya Kirloskar, Assistant Professor in Commerce. The faculty in charge for this orientation session were Ms. Rajlaxmi S. Nair and Ms. Vinaya Kirloskar. The session was guided by Mr. Sumit Kumar, HoD, Computer Science and Ms. CinolaVaz, HoD, Management.
