Farewell of PG Programme

The Post Graduate Department of Commerce (M.Com) organized farewell for the passing out batch of PG students for the academic year 2021-2022 on 06th June 2022 from 12:45 to 04:30 pm           on 5th Floor (New Block). The theme of the farewell was Red Carpet Event.

Anand Kumar, student of M.Com Part-I was the compere for the day. He started the program by welcoming the Vice-Principal, faculty from other department, faculty of the department and the students. This was followed by a Welcome address delivered by the Vice-Principal, Dr. Rodney D’Silva, wherein he shared his words of wisdom with the students and wished them the best for their future.

The M.Com Part- I students put up various performances for their seniors which included group singing, a solo dance by Melisha Fernandes, some spot prizes and a few games organized by the juniors for their seniors. This was followed by a group dance and a jamming session by Mr. Ved Borkar and his group. The M.Com Part I students presented a video clip including various department activities, competition and events organized by the teachers for the passing out batch, refreshing their memories at the college campus and the department.

The M.Com Part-II students then played a video clip of the dance performance compiled by them for their beloved juniors. As a token of their gratitude and love towards the department and their juniors, the Part-II students presented everybody with hand-made cards. The students expressed their gratitude towards the institution and the faculty for always motivating, supporting and guiding them for academic and non-academic activities during their 2 years at the PG Programme. They also appreciated the efforts taken by the M.Com Faculty to mould students to make them ready for the corporate world.

The teachers of the Department addressed the students and wished them luck for their future endeavors. They urged the students to do their best and face life challenges with confidence and strength. Towards the end the teacher’s and the Part –I students presented the outgoing batch with a memento as a token of their love and appreciation for the efforts put in by them and for getting glory to the Department. This was a memorable day for both the outgoing batch and the teachers. Overall, the event was a grand success and was enjoyed by all the participants.
