Faculty Student Exchange Programme

In pursuance of an MoU signed by the College with A.K.I’s Poona College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Pune, a Student Visit Program was organized on 1st March 2023. The Principal of Poona College of Arts, Science & Commerce along with the faculties and students of their BBA programme received the team of 49 students and 3 teachers, and an inaugural function was organized wherein the College welcomed the guests. A cultural programme was planned by the BBA students of Poona College wherein they presented local dances and to everyone’s surprise a dance on Goan culture. After the inaugural function, a session was conducted by Shree Damodar College Vice Principal, Dr. Edwin Barreto on the topic Mergers and Acquisitions. Students of Poona College asked several questions and interacted with the speaker.

After the session, Management games were conducted for the students of Poona College by Shree Damodar College students under the guidance of Dr. Rodney D’Silva and Ms. Swati Bhat. The games were designed to understand the importance of focus and also to test the students’ logical reasoning and knowledge of current affairs. The management games included a self-introduction game, wherein our students got an opportunity to interact with the faculties and students of Poona College. The students had a fruitful time learning with them and these interactions continued over lunch. Our students also met some students from Turkmenistan and briefly interacted with them.

The Program concluded with the Valedictory function. All staff and students attended the function. The function was graced by Dr. Anwar Shaikh, Principal of the College, Mrs. Deepika Kininge, Assistant Professor, Programme Coordinator, BBA and other faculties of BBA Department.

Dr. Rodney D’Silva, the overall in-charge of the Exchange programme, proposed a Vote of Thanks and invited the students and faculty to Shree Damodar College to further our partnership.
