Faculty Presentation Series

On 18th August 2017 Ms. Reshma Bandekar, Assistant Professor in Environmental Studies, delivered the 3rd lecture in the Faculty Presentation Series on the topic Geographic Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing Application for Mangroves. During the lecture Ms. Bandekar spoke about how GIS is helping in mapping mangroves in Goa.  Goa houses 16 mangrove species and has one of the best mangrove forests in the country. Chorao Island in the Mandovi river is one of the best mangrove forests and houses most of the species found in Goa. The lecture also highlighted the importance of mangroves and their critical role in protecting marine life, facilitating breeding of various marine species and protecting human settlements from flooding and erosion. She displayed satellite images, which showed the changes in land use pattern in Goa from 1973 to 2011. The session proved to be very informative to the faculty members, who are from other departments, and not familiar with the area.
